洪瑞麟 (1912-1996) 生於台北大稻埕。1927年進入「台灣繪畫研究所」,受教於石川欽一郎,並結識倪蔣懷、陳植棋等前輩畫家。1930年赴日求學,後考取帝國美術學校(今武藏野美術大學)西洋畫科。1938年返台後,為感念倪蔣懷的提攜,到其經營的瑞芳二坑(後稱懷山煤礦)工作,期間亦不忘創作熱忱,描繪礦工的工作景況,展現出與眾不同的繪畫風格,有「礦工畫家」之美譽。此外,洪瑞麟亦關懷社會弱勢群眾的日常生活,勞動小民、原住民等也是作品中常見的題材,深切而動人。1964年受邀至國立藝術專科學校(今國立臺灣藝術大學)任教,結合東西方創作媒材繪製裸女畫,別具風格。1980年移居美國加州。重要展覽有2022年台北市立美術館《掘光而行:洪瑞麟》、2022年國立台灣美術館《做工的人:洪瑞麟與臺灣美術中的勞動身影》。
HUNG Jue Lin (1912-1996) was born in Dadaocheng, Taipei, Taiwan. In 1927, HUNG entered the “Taiwanese Painting Research”, where he learned from Kinichiro Ishikawa and got acquainted with senior painters such as NI Chiang Huai, and CHEN Zhi Qi. In 1930, HUNG went to Japan to study in the Department of Western Painting at Teikoku Art School. After he returned to Taiwan in 1938, to thank the support from NI, HUNG went to work in the mine NI ran, and continued to paint in this period. HUNG depicted the miners at work, and the distinctive painting style made him known as a “miner painter”. Besides, HUNG cared about the vulnerable in society, such as labor, and minorities were also common themes in his works. In 1964, HUNG was invited to teach at the National Taiwan University of Arts, and he attracted attention for painting “nude” with a combination of Eastern and Western art media and style. In 1980, he moved to California, the U.S. Famous exhibitions were held at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in 2022.
NTD 380,000 - 460,000
HKD 93,000 - 112,500
USD 11,840 - 14,340
NTD 432,000
NTD 50,000 - 80,000
HKD 12,200 - 19,500
USD 1,550 - 2,490
NTD 60,000
NTD 600,000 - 800,000
HK 162,200 - 216,200
US 20,570 - 27,430
NTD 720,000
NTD 36,000 - 50,000
HKD 9,800 - 13,600
USD 1,260 - 1,750
NTD 48,000
HKD 13,600
USD 1,710
NTD 80,000 - 120,000
HKD 20,800 - 31,200
USD 2,600 - 4,000
NTD 120,000
HKD 32,100
USD 3,990
NTD 80,000 - 100,000
HKD 20,800 - 26,000
USD 2,600 - 3,300
NTD 102,000
HKD 27,300
USD 3,390
NTD 180,000 - 260,000
HKD 45,700 - 66,000
USD 5,790 - 8,370
NTD 216,000
HKD 56,000
USD 6,940
NTD 160,000 - 260,000
HKD 41,200 - 66,900
USD 5,230 - 8,500
NTD 180,000
HKD 47,600
USD 5,920