丁雄泉 (1929-2010)生於江蘇無錫。以素人畫家自居,自號「採花大盜」、「風流先生」,擅畫女人、花草、鸚鵡和馬,色彩絢麗。青年時入上海美術專科學校學習,1946年移居香港,1952年前往法國,在巴黎結識阿貝爾(Karel Appel)、瓊恩(Asger Jorn)、阿雷欽斯基(Pierre Alechinsky)和柯奈爾(Corneille)等眼鏡蛇畫派(CoBrA)藝術家,相互交流並舉辦許多聯合展覽。1958年丁雄泉移居紐約,並長居三十餘年,於國際藝壇的成就亦逐年上升。早期繪畫風格較為抽象,且含有東方感性精神,70年代逐漸塑成以絢爛色彩搭配女性為題材的獨特風格,80年代臻至高峰,兼具東西方藝術情調,色彩繽紛艷麗,花團錦簇,擅創作迷情夢幻的畫面,塑造出令人難忘的視覺體驗。其作品於國內外參展無數,受許多藝文機構及藝術收藏家典藏,為當代藝術之經典。
Walasse TING (1929-2010) was born in Jiangsu, China. TING, a talented painter, named himself "Playboy(採花大盜)" and created vibrant works featuring women, flowers, parrots, and horses. He used to study at Shanghai Fine Arts School, then moved to Hong Kong in 1946. TING traveled to France in 1952 and connected with COBRA artists, including Karel Appel, Asger Jorn, Pierre Alechinsky, and Corneille in Paris. They held art exhibitions together. In 1958, TING moved to New York where he lived for over thirty years. During this time, his achievements in the international art world continued to grow. TING's early works had an abstract style with an oriental influence. In the 1970s, the focus shifted to portraits of women with gorgeous colors, reaching its peak in the 1980s. He had a talent for creating colorful and dreamlike images with Eastern and Western artistic sentiments. TING's works are considered classics in contemporary art, exhibited worldwide, and collected by renowned art institutions and collectors.
NTD 15,000 - 20,000
HKD 3,700 - 4,900
USD 470 - 620
NTD 1,300,000 - 1,500,000
HKD 318,000 - 366,900
USD 40,510 - 46,750
NTD 1,440,000
NTD 1,000,000 - 1,200,000
HKD 244,600 - 293,500
USD 31,170 - 37,400
NTD 1,140,000
NTD 1,200,000 - 1,500,000
HKD 293,500 - 366,900
USD 37,400 - 46,750
NTD 1,320,000
NTD 80,000 - 150,000
HKD 19,500 - 36,600
USD 2,490 - 4,660
NTD 96,000
NTD 80,000 - 130,000
HKD 19,500 - 31,700
USD 2,490 - 4,040
NTD 96,000
NTD 1,200,000 - 1,500,000
HKD 292,900 - 366,100
USD 37,310 - 46,640
NTD 1,500,000
NTD 200,000 - 280,000
HKD 50,800 - 71,100
USD 6,440 - 9,010
NTD 264,000
HKD 68,400
USD 8,480