席德進SHIY De Jinn (1923-1981)四川南郜縣人。就讀於杭州藝專,受教於林風眠、吳大羽而發展出粗黑線條的繪畫風格。1941年受教於留法畫家龐薰勤和馬蒂斯影響而喜歡強烈色調。後赴美考察,受普普、歐普、硬邊藝術的影響並在作品中加入歐普和硬邊主義的形色表現。晚期回歸到他最原始而自然的本土家鄉。立志以中國人的情感來表達中國的藝術,開始全島寫生,描繪民間風物與生活百態。席德進的繪畫創作融合傳統與鄉土、使用水彩、水墨與油畫,兼納東方與西方繪畫的特長,開創出他個人雄渾動人的獨特風格。獲中山文藝創作獎,並舉行個展多次,作品廣為各界收藏。
SHIY De Jinn was born in Szechwan. He learned under Pang Syun-Chinn who had studied in France. SHIY followed Matisse’s color palette. He had experimented with Pop Art, Op Art, and Hard Edge, but he returned to country style with which he felt most comfortable with later period in his career. When he moved to Taiwan, he started to use folk matters and state of livelihood as his subjects in paintings. He united western and eastern media and styles to take Chinese art to a new dimension. He had held many exhibitions.In foreign countries, he started to think about the beauty of Chinese Art. SHIY De Jinn believes that art should reflect reality. At this time, he came up the idea of “present” and used it in his works. After he returned to Taiwan, SHIY De Jinn focused on studying Chinese Art. He uses Taiwan as his subject, such as traditional architectures in Taiwan and scenery. SHIY De Jinn takes his feeling and love from place and life as his inspiration and depicts Taiwan with devoutness.
NTD 400,000 - 550,000
HKD 97,100 - 133,500
USD 12,400 - 17,060
NTD 1,900,000 - 2,200,000
HKD 461,200 - 531,000
USD 58,920 - 68,320
NTD 500,000 - 700,000
HKD 122,300 - 171,200
USD 15,580 - 21,820
NTD 400,000 - 550,000
HKD 97,800 - 134,500
USD 12,470 - 17,140
NTD 500,000 - 700,000
HKD 122,300 - 171,200
USD 15,580 - 21,820
NTD 60,000 - 80,000
HKD 14,600 - 19,500
USD 1,870 - 2,490
NTD 72,000
NTD 400,000 - 550,000
HKD 97,600 - 134,200
USD 12,440 - 17,100
NTD 500,000 - 750,000
HKD 122,000 - 183,100
USD 15,550 - 23,320
NTD 660,000
NTD 500,000 - 750,000
HKD 122,000 - 183,100
USD 15,550 - 23,320
NTD 660,000
NTD 500,000 - 700,000
HKD 122,000 - 170,900
USD 15,550 - 21,760
NTD 500,000 - 700,000
HKD 128,500 - 179,000
USD 16,350 - 22,890
NTD 550,000 - 800,000
HKD 141,400 - 205,700
USD 17,990 - 26,160
NTD 600,000 - 750,000
HKD 154,200 - 192,800
USD 19,620 - 24,530
NTD 500,000 - 700,000
HKD 128,500 - 179,900
USD 16,350 - 22,890
NTD 700,000 - 950,000
HKD 179,900 - 244,200
USD 22,890 - 31,070
NTD 300,000 - 400,000
HKD 77,100 - 102,800
USD 9,810 - 13,080
NTD 420,000 - 550,000
HKD 108,000 - 141,400
USD 13,730 - 17,990
NTD 500,000 - 700,000
HKD 128,500 - 179,900
USD 16,350 - 22,890