秦松 CHIN Sung(1932-2007)生於安徽,16歲時始習畫於南京,1949年隨國民軍來臺,進入師範美術學校就讀,並開始創作版畫。1953年跟隨李仲生習畫,1960年以版畫「太陽節」獲巴西聖保羅雙年展榮譽獎。1969年赴美展出,全力投入國際議壇,將自然景觀賦予唯美裝飾情調,後來他走向形式語言探索。1958年獲紐約國際版畫協會收藏獎。專長油畫、版畫及壓克力。
Born in Anhuai, began study in painting in Nanjing when he was 16 years old, and followed the Republican army to Taiwan in 1949. He studied at Provincial Normal School of Arts and began etching creation. In 1953, he mentored under Lee Chung-Sheng and received Brazil’s San Paolo Biannual Honorary Award for his “Sun Festival”. In 1969, he exhibited in U.S., embracing the global art forum, and chose to reside in New York. Initially he pursued a romantic flare by bestowing nature with a perfected, ornamental undertone. Later, he received New York International Etching Society’s collectible award in 1958.
NTD 150,000 - 200,000
HKD 39,100 - 52,100
USD 4,980 - 6,640
NTD 156,000
HKD 35,300
USD 5,150
NTD 150,000 - 180,000
USD 4,900 - 5,900
HKD 38,600 - 46,300
NTD 141,600