薛松 XUE Song(b. 1965)出生於安徽省,1988年畢業於上海戲劇學院舞台美術系,現居於上海。薛松是著名的中國當代藝術家,作品特點是將現成的圖片、文字燒烤後,加以分配、重組,再拼貼於畫布上。這一破壞與重生、解構與建構的過程,建立了獨特的創作意義,產生嶄新的視覺效果。曾多次舉辦個展,當中有1992年北京英國大使館「薛松畫展」、1996年上海美術館「薛松個人展」、2002年,上海香格納畫廊「站在巨人的肩膀上」、2001年,英國倫敦中國當代畫廊「薛松個展」、2002年,上海香格納畫廊「不搭界」、2003年於多國舉行個展。而他多次參加國際聯展,當中有1996年,德國波恩現代藝術博物館「覺醒的中國」、1997年,維也納、哥本哈根等地巡迴展出「中國!」現代藝術展、2002年,法國巴黎皮爾.卡登空間「巴黎-北京」;澳門「未來-中國當代藝術展」等。
Born in Anhui Province. In 1988, Xue graduated from the Shanghai Drama Institute. He now lives and works in Shanghai. Xue Song is a contemporary Chinese artist, who’s style of collage is characterized by the burning ready-made images and his rearrangement of the burnt fragments on the canvas. This symbolic destruction and rebirth or deconstruction and reconstruction underline the significance of his artistic practice, as well as fashions a brand new visuality. His solo exhibitions include the British Embassy in Beijing in 1992, the Shanghai Art Museum in Shanghai in 1966, "Standing on the Shoulder of Giants", Shangh Art, Shanghai in 2000, "Xue Song Solo Show" at the Chinese Contemporary Art Gallery in London in 2001; "Ver Da Ga-Xue Song Fashion Series" at Shanghai Art in 2002; Xue Song solo shows at the Walsh Gallery in Chicago, Gallery du Monde in HK and Shanghai Art Gallery in Shanghai. Shanghai in 2003, Group exhibitions included "Shanghai 2000" at Walsh Gallery in Chicago; Shanghai Art Fair in Shanghai, "Transcending Boundaries" at MSU Art Gallery at Montclair State University, "Future Chinese Contemporary Art" in Macau in 2000; "Metaphysics 2001" at the Shanghai Art Museum, "As Long As They Catch Mice", Munkeruphus Gallery in Denmark, "Crossing Over" at Walsh Gallery in Chicago; "Initial Image" at Yibo Gallery in Shanghai; "Ost + West at Ausstellung zeitgenoesischer kunst aus China" in Vienna, Austria; "Metaphysics 2002" at the Shanghai Art Museum in 2002 and "Paris-Beijing" at Espace Cardin in Paris in 2002.
NTD 1,000,000 - 1,500,000
HKD 244,100 - 366,100
USD 31,090 - 46,640
NTD 1,140,000
NTD 700,000 - 900,000
HKD 177,700 - 228,400
USD 22,520 - 28,960
NTD 720,000
HKD 186,500
USD 23,140
NTD 350,000 - 400,000
HKD 90,100 - 103,000
USD 11,450 - 13,080
NTD 396,000
HKD 104,800
USD 13,020
NTD 480,000 - 600,000
HKD 125,000 - 156,300
USD 15,950 - 19,930
NTD 720,000
HKD 162,900
USD 23,760
NTD 220,000 - 300,000
HKD 54,300 - 74,100
USD 7,000 - 9,600
NTD 224,200