張奇開ZHANG Qi Kai 簡介|
張奇開ZHANG Qi Kai(b. 1950)1950年出生於中國四川,德籍華人藝術家、評論家。1987年留學日本,隨後移居德國,從事藝術活動,2000年返回重慶四川美院並展開中西文化交流和藝術教育工作。張奇開的藝術和現代主義的思想一脈相承,他選擇了批判角度的藝術立場,採用喻警式的語彙。作品融合了照相寫實和超現實的元素,但在形式上卻保持輕描淡寫的優雅姿態與唯美的視覺。「熊貓是新的文化圖騰」,談到為什麼專畫熊貓,張奇開給出了自己的解釋:「在中國傳統文化中龍是文化圖騰,但在西方人眼中龍象徵著邪惡,有著強烈的征服慾」,這與中國對外的姿態不符。「熊貓比較溫和,在西方人眼中也一樣,更符合中國文化的特徵」,張奇開認為,熊貓代表著一種軟力量,在北京奧運之後,它更是成為中國的文化圖騰。在他的畫中,熊貓則成為一種中國符號,與各種國際問題發生著關係。
Born in 1950 Sichuan, China. German Chinese artist, critic. In 1987, ZHANG immigrated in German and started to do art. In 2000, go back to Sichuan Art Academy and started communicating and doing art education between Chinese and Eastern culture. ZHANG inherited art and modern thinking, using the warning implication to criticize art. Mixing the photograph’s reality and the surrealistic element, performing a light, elegant and beautiful visual effect. “Panda is a new cultural totem” ZHANG explained “In China tradition, dragon presents cultural totem, but in western country, it represents evil, and the desire of conquer.” This is not the way that China expresses, ZHANG said “Panda is much more tender, and it has the same meaning in western country. It is qualified as a character of Chinese culture.” ZHANG think that panda is a soft power, after the Peking Olympic, it became the culture totem of China, Panda is a symbol to get involved with other countries.
2127 (2018秋季拍賣會)
NTD 1,600,000 - 2,000,000
HKD 411,800 - 514,800
USD 52,330 - 65,410
NTD 1,600,000 - 2,000,000
HKD 411,800 - 514,800
USD 52,330 - 65,410