高登.莫廷生 Gordon MORTENSEN(b. 1938)高登.莫廷生出生於美國北達科他州,1964年明尼亞波里藝術與設計學院藝術學士,1969-1972年間攻讀明尼蘇達大學的研究所。他是當代絕版木刻藝術家中的重要人物。莫廷生的作品曾在多個展覽中展出,如美國藝術博物館、東京富士藝術博物館以及芝加哥藝術學院等;曾獲美國藝術名人及世界名人榮譽。
Born in North Dakota on April 27, 1938, Mortensen received his BFA degree with Honors in 1964 from the Minneapolis School of Art and he was enrolled in the graduate program at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul between 1969 and 1972. Mortensen is a influential figure in engraving artist, he has produced membership prints for the Albany Print Club and the Print Club of Rochester, New York. His listing of solo exhibitions is impressive and his works has been included in numerous selected competitions and exhibitions. His works are in many private, college, and corporate collections and are in the permanent collections of the Brooklyn Museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Smithsonian Museum of American Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Walker Art Center, Carnegie Institute, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, DeCordova Museum, Wichita Falls Museum and the Worcester Art Museum.
NTD 15,000 - 20,000
HKD 3,800 - 5,100
USD 480 - 640
NTD 19,200
HKD 5,000
USD 620