藤原浩 Fujiwara Hiroshi 簡介|
藤原浩是日本街頭風格穿搭的教父,也是裏原宿潮流文化的開創者,對於當代的時尚、音樂、設計都身有影響,是一位全方位的人才。。早在1980年代初期,還是青少年的藤原浩就與英國龐克音樂人、服裝設計師Malcolm McLaren還有時尚教母Vivienne Westwood合作,之後他結合了龐克、嘻哈、滑板文化,引領了日本的流行時尚,他的作品深獲收藏家喜愛,十分搶手,不止在日本只要是亞洲地區的人也深受著藤原浩的影響。
Fujiwara Hiroshi is the godfather of Japanese street style dressing and the pioneer of Ura Harajuku trend culture. He has an influence on contemporary fashion, music, and design. He is an all-round talent. As early as the early 1980s, as a teenager, Hiroshi Fujiwara collaborated with British punk musician, costume designer Malcolm McLaren and fashion godmother Vivienne Westwood. After that, he combined punk, hip-hop, and skateboarding culture to lead Japanese fashion. His works are deeply loved by collectors and are very popular. Not only in Japan, but also people in Asia are also deeply influenced by Fujiwara Hiroshi.
Lot 1014 (2020秋季拍賣會)
NTD 130,000 - 180,000
HKD 35,500 - 49,100
USD 4,550 - 6,300
NTD 130,000 - 180,000
HKD 35,500 - 49,100
USD 4,550 - 6,300
NTD 156,000
HKD 44,300
USD 5,550
NTD 156,000
HKD 44,300
USD 5,550