夏勳Xia Xun 簡介|

夏勳 (b.1931)

 1931年生於安徽合肥。1951年師事馬白水,後隨李石樵習畫,畫風亦受到透納(William Turner)、莫內(Oscar-Claude Monet)、波納爾(Pierre Bonnard)等印象派觀念啟發,強調作畫顏料與材質的應用變化,注重光影與色彩的美感表達,使其油畫風格獨創於台灣前輩畫家,擅長創作靜物畫、風景畫。曾多次入選台陽美展、全國美展。著有《設計教育理論與實踐》、《兒童美術之開拓》等諸多書籍,對於藝術理論研究抱有熱忱,亦深耕於兒童及親子美術教育。19851990年間多次於阿波羅畫廊舉辦個展,1992年後於東之畫廊舉辦《色彩的光點》、《色彩的對話》、《夏勳七十油畫展-真實的存在與滿足的色感》、《台北的天空──夏勳八十五油畫展》等個展。



XIA Xun (b.1931) was born in Anhui, China. In 1951, XIA began to learn painting from MA Pai Sui and later studied with LI Shih Chiao. His painting style was also inspired by the painters from Impressionism such as William Turner, Oscar-Claude Monet, and Pierre Bonnard. XIA specializes in still life and landscape paintings, emphasizing the application of pigments and materials, and focusing on the expressions of light and shadow, which creates his style. XIA’s works were selected for the Tai Yang Art Exhibition and the National Art Exhibition R.O.C. many times. XIA has a passion for art theory and children’s art education, and he has published many books on these subjects. Between 1985 and 1990, XIA held several solo exhibitions at Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, and held at East Gallery, Taipei after 1992.

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