劉繼卣 LIU Ji You 簡介|

劉繼卣 (1918-1983)生於天津市。是新中國連環畫的主要奠基者,其在動物畫、人物畫上的卓越成就亦有一代宗師之名,被譽為「當代畫聖」。為天津八大家之一的土城劉家後裔,父親為著名畫家劉奎齡,自幼便受家族影響,熱愛繪畫,1936年入天津美術學院西畫系,在油畫家劉鳳虎的指導下系統學習素描、速寫、水彩、油畫,並從劉子久學習山水畫技法,從陳少梅學習山水畫和人物,而劉繼卣長於工筆、白描和重彩,多創作寫意畫,融中西畫法於一爐。其筆下的人物、動物、花鳥、山水形神兼備,畫風嚴謹,工筆與寫意相結合,獨具特色,在國內外享有盛譽。1984年獲頒瑞士西耶爾第一屆國際連環畫節特別榮譽獎。

 LIU Ji You (1918-1983) was born in Tianjin, China. LIU was talented in animal and figure paintings and was one of the representatives of the New Lianhuanhua in China (Sequential Art). LIU was a descendant of a prominent family. His father was a famous artist, and he was heavily influenced by his family and developed a love of painting. LIU entered the Department of Western Painting at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1936. He learned various painting techniques such as drawing, sketching, watercolor, and oil painting from LIU Fong Hu, LIU Zi Jiu, and CHEN Shao Mei. LIU was good at Claborate-style painting, line drawing in traditional ink and brush style, and heavy color painting. Most of his works were freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting. LIU combined Eastern and Western painting techniques to create soulful and unique works. In 1984, LIU received a special honorable award from the International Festival of Sequential Art in Orsières, Switzerland.

Lot 1095 (2024春季拍賣會)
NTD 80,000 - 120,000
HKD 19,600 - 29,400
USD 2,490 - 3,740