黃柏仁 (b.1970) 生於臺灣臺中,出身木雕世家。1989年畢業於復興商工雕塑組後,師從郭清治老師,展開了多媒材創作之路。黃柏仁的作品中有一貫的直爽,因著兒時的生長環境,家中養育了許多黑色臺灣犬,長時間的相處下,與狗產生深刻的連結,使之成為往後的創作泉源。黃柏仁於1999年獲得中部美展雕塑類第一名,同年參加台北國際藝術博覽會。2001年起,作品陸續參與國內外各大展覽,包括雕痕情深木雕展、奧地利格拉茲國際雕塑展等。2005年舉辦了「狗札記」雕塑展。2006年作品《狗札記之快樂時光》被國立台灣美術館購藏。2013年作品《不爽》被台灣文化部典藏。其鐵雕作品《神射手》更被收錄入高中美術教科書。近年展覽更是遍及世界,包含2015年紐約WAH個展,2016年柏林Aquabit Art Gallery舉辦「The Dog's Notes」個展等。
HUANG Po Ren (b.1970) was born in Taichung, Taiwan, and grew up in a family of wood carvers. After HUANG graduated from Fu-Hsin Trade and Art School in 1989, he learned from KUO Chin Chih and started his career in multi-media creation. Since he had a deep connection with his childhood memories and grew up with many black dogs, the subject of his creations is mostly about dogs. The expression of his works presents a straightforward and clear personal style. In 1999, HUANG won first place in the Arts Exhibition of Middle Taiwan and participated in ART TAIPEI the same year. Since 2001, HUANG’s works have been exhibited at international exhibitions including the Graz International Sculpture Exhibition in Austria. In 2005, he held the “Dog’s Notes” sculpture exhibition. HUANG’s works were collected by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and the Ministry of Culture, R.O.C., and included in the high school art textbooks. Famous exhibitions were held at WAH, New York in 2015, and at Aquabit Art Gallery, Berlin in 2016.