宮山廣明 (b.1955) 生於日本東京,於筑波大學學習期間,受業於臺灣現代版畫之父廖修平,2015年任國立臺灣藝術大學大師班和台南科技應用大學客座教授,曾經接任日本國際版畫交流協會會長,也擔任台灣版畫學會名譽會員,並舉辦個展、聯展於俄羅斯、日本、立陶宛、比利時、法國、義大利與臺灣等國。宮山廣明以其銅版套色美柔汀技法聞名,並將貼金箔技巧融入作品之中,更以植物花卉作為創作的主要題材。透過對植物花卉的深入觀察與描繪,將自身情感傳達至作品之中。其作品被世界多國美術館收藏,包含國立臺灣美術館、上海美術館、波蘭華沙美術館、莫斯科東洋美術館、新西伯利亞國立美術館、比利時馬賽雷版畫中心等。
Miyayama Hiroaki (b.1955) was born in Tokyo, Japan. While studying at the University of Tsukuba, he learned from the Taiwanese master of modern printmaking, LIAO Shiou Ping. In 2015, Miyayama served as a visiting professor at the National Taiwan University of Arts and Tainan University of Technology. He was also the president of the Japan International Printmaking Association and a member of the Taiwan Society of Printmaking. Miyayama held exhibitions by solo and groups around the world. His works are famous for the Mezzotint technique and the gold leaf, the themes are mostly plants and flowers. Through delicate observation and depiction, Miyayama expresses his sensibility in the works. His works are collected by art museums worldwide such as the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Shanghai Art Museum, Warsaw National Museum, State Museum of Oriental Art, and more.
NTD 70,000 - 90,000
HKD 17,100 - 22,000
USD 2,180 - 2,800