陸先銘 Lu Hsien-Ming 簡介|

陸先銘 (b.1959)生於臺灣臺北,畢業於中國文化大學美術系,曾擔綱台北畫派、悍圖社及華岡現代藝術協會會長,也得到諸多獎項,如1981年雄獅美術新人獎首獎、1992年台北現代美術雙年展首獎、2002年廖繼春油畫創作獎首獎,為台灣中生代的代表藝術家之一。陸先銘的創作內容長期關注生活環境中的文化問題,透過不同時期的人文觀察和心境變遷,以及多角度的研究,試圖勾勒出台灣社會底層獨特的文化風貌。他的創作不僅積極介入社會脈動,同時也展現了對在地人文的關懷,並深入探討歷史詮釋和時代觀照。

LU Hsien Ming (b.1959) was born in Taipei, China. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Chinese Culture University. LU was the president of the Taipei Art Group, the Hanatoo Art Group, and the Hwa Kang Society of Modern Arts. He is one of the representative artists of the Mesozoic era in Taiwan and won many art awards such as the Taipei Biennial, and the LIAO Chi Chun Oil Painting Award. LU has long been a social and cultural issue, and he turns these observations and inside feelings into the subject matter of his works. The depiction of different aspects made LU’s works show the special cultural features of the bottom of Taiwanese society. His creations not only deeply interpret the history and changes of times but also express the caring for humanity of the artist.

Lot 1051 (2024春季拍賣會)
NTD 200,000 - 240,000
HKD 48,900 - 58,700
USD 6,230 - 7,480
NTD 228,000