荒木經惟 (b.1940) 1940年出生於日本東京,為日本著名攝影師、當代藝術家。荒木經惟以遊走於藝術與情色邊緣的強烈風格著稱,女性成了荒木經惟最引人入勝的主題,過去作品「緊縛(Kinbaku)」系列,將女性胴體與日本傳統的藝術形式「緊縛」相結合,模糊了痛楚和歡愉的之間界限,成為他最為著名卻也最具爭議、引來諸多批評的驚艷作品。在漫長而多面的創作生涯中,荒木經惟藉著各異類型、意義和標誌性的攝影途徑,將其推向暴力和超現實、精緻美學和崇高願景的極限。他出版逾450本攝影書,作品頻繁展出於眾多美術館當中,包含著名的Tate泰特現代美術館和舊金山現代藝術館(SFMOMA),被認為是最多產的當代藝術家之一。
ARAKI Nobuyoshi was born in Tokyo, Japan, a renowned Japanese photographer and contemporary artist. ARAKI is widely regarded as one of the most prolific contemporary artists, known for his intense style that wanders the line between art and eroticism, with women being his most captivating subject. His past works, particularly the "Kinbaku" series, combine the female form with the traditional Japanese art of bondage, blurring the boundaries between pain and pleasure. This series is among his most famous yet also most controversial, drawing both acclaim and criticism for its stunning impact. Throughout his long and multifaceted career, Araki has consistently pushed the limits of violence, surrealism, refined aesthetics, and grand visions through various types, meanings, and iconic approaches to photography. He has published over 450 photography books, and his works are frequently exhibited in numerous museums, including the famous Tate Modern and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA).