HKD 81,900 - 122,800
USD 10,490 - 15,740
HKD - 150,000
USD - 18,780
壓克力 水墨 紙本 1993 簽名右下:93 莊喆 94×129 cm(37×50.8 in.) 原收藏者購自藝術家本人 Acrylic, ink and color on paper 1993 Signed lower right : 93, named CHUANG Che in Chinese Acquired by the original collector from the artist
莊喆熱愛自然,時常回憶少時鎮日與自然為伍、以山林為伴的生活。他的作品在顏料與筆刷的交會下,總有著寫意自然的優雅情境,使觀者能沉醉在他所再造的抽象山水畫。西洋繪畫重視結構透視,而中國繪畫則是著重氣韻生動。莊喆以西方的繪畫手法來表現中國山水的大氣。如Lot 1016《一葉芭蕉一點愁》,莊喆透過中國水墨方式渲染出畫作基底,並以多重色彩鋪陳。然而,色調雖然多元,大量的深色調性也為作品帶出一點幽然惆悵之感。黑與綠之間,如自然山野的外在景象。流水般的白色線條勾勒出空間感,華麗變幻的色彩如美好的回憶渲染其中。此作品更是這次莊喆拍品中色彩最為多變與絢麗的其中一件。
Chuang Che loves nature, and often recalls the life of a young age when he lived in nature and was accompanied by mountains and forests. Under the interaction of paint and brush, his works always have a free and natural and elegant atmosphere, so that the viewer can indulge in the abstract landscape paintings he recreated. Western painting emphasizes structural perspective, while Chinese painting emphasizes vividness. Chuang Che uses Western painting techniques to express the atmosphere of Chinese landscapes.
For example, Lot 1016 "A Bit Sorrow", Chuang Che used Chinese ink and wash to render the base of the painting and spread it in multiple colors. However, although the color tones are diverse, the large amount of dark tones also brings a sense of melancholy to the work. Between black and green, such as the scene of natural mountains. The flowing white outlines the sense of space, and the gorgeous and changing colors render it like a good memory. This work is one of the most varied and colorful of Chuang Che’s work in this auction.