楊三郎 YANG San Lang(1907-1995)臺北永和人。1915年時入艋舺公學校,1923年赴日本留學,首先進入京都工藝學校,後轉入關西美術學院西洋畫科,接受嚴格的學院派訓練。1927年回臺灣,與倪蔣懷、廖繼春等人共組「赤島社」。1929年榮獲臺灣美術展覽會特選第一名。1931年赴法國留學,次年其作品塞 納河畔入選法國秋季沙龍,與當時留法顏水龍同為早期留法畫家,回臺後成為一個專業畫家,推動各項美術活動。1934年返臺創辦「洋畫研究所」於太平町,與陳澄波、廖繼春、顏水龍、李梅樹、李石樵等人成立「臺陽美術協會」,並在教育會館舉行個展。光復後籌辦「全省美展」全力參與並展出,奠定其畫壇地位,並獲國家文藝獎的殊榮。1948年恢復臺陽展, 成為該展最大支持者。1985年臺陽展與春陽會於史博館合辦「中日美術展」,1986年獲國家文藝獎,1989年臺北市立美術館舉辦回顧展。1991年楊三郎美術館正式開幕,1992年獲頒行政院文化獎卓越藝術家獎章,1995年逝世。楊氏舉行過多次個展,並多次在臺灣美術展上獲獎。其中比較重要的展覽有1973、1983年分別在國立歷史博物館舉行的「楊三郎油畫個展」和「楊三郎油畫回顧展」。楊氏以其在畫壇上卓越的成就,曾於1986 年榮獲國家文藝特別貢獻獎。
YANG was born in Taipei, Taiwan. YANG moved to Japan in 1924 where he studied at the Kyoto School of Arts and Crafts. He then transferred to the Western Painting Department in the Kansai Art Academy to receive academic training. He returned to Taiwan in 1927, and founded the Ruddy Island Association together with NI Jiang Huai and LIAO Chi Chun. In 1929, he won the first prize at the Taiwan Art Exhibition. YANG went to France in 1931, spending time to visit museums and study European paintings. In the following year, his works were selected for the Autumn Salon in Paris. In 1924, he returned to Taiwan and held a solo show at the Hall of Education. At the same time, he established the Taiyang Art Association along with other notable artists such as CHEN Cheng Po and LIAO Chi Chun. YANG has received numerous awards and held various important solo shows, including Oil Paintings by YANG San Lang (1979) and Retrospective Exhibition of YANG San Lang 's Paintings (1983), both held at the National Historical Museum. YANG received a special national art award in 1986 for his tremendous contribution to Taiwan's art world.
NTD 450,000 - 550,000
HKD 109,200 - 133,500
USD 13,960 - 17,060
NTD 450,000 - 550,000
HKD 109,200 - 133,500
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NTD 576,000
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NTD 1,200,000 - 1,400,000
HK 324,300 - 378,400
US 41,140 - 47,990
NTD 1,320,000
NTD 450,000 - 600,000
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NTD 600,000
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NTD 2,280,000
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NTD 1,440,000
HKD 385,000
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